Novolin Rx
N, 100 units/mL, 10mL Vial
$106.40 per vial

Novolin Rx

$106.40 per vial
In Stock
Not eligible for free shipping
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  • Usually ships the same weekday before 3pm CT with veterinary approval.

  • Requires veterinary authorization.

  • Your pet's veterinarian will provide directions for use.

  • Additional cold packed next-day service shipped Mon-Thurs required.

  • Limit 3 vials per invoice.

  • We are unable to ship this product to Alaska or Hawaii.

What is Novolin Insulin by Novo Nordisk for Dogs and Cats?

  • Insulin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the pancreas to convert sugar (glucose) in the blood to energy for the body.
  • Insulin therapy is prescribed to dogs and cats with diabetes. Diabetic animals are either unable to produce their own insulin or cannot use it properly. 
  • Insulin helps treat diabetes in cats and dogs by normalizing the glucose level in the blood.
  • Novolin is a U-100 insulin. U-100 means that each milliliter of insulin is divided into 100 dosing units.
  • The insulin in Novolin R is called Regular insulin. Regular insulin is a regular or short-acting insulin.
  • The insulin in Novolin N is called NPH insulin. NPH insulin is an intermediate-acting insulin.
  • Novolin 70/30 combines Regular and NPH insulin. It contains 70% NPH and 30% Regular.

Why do cats and dogs use Novolin?

  • Insulin is prescribed to dogs and cats with diabetes mellitus to help lower their blood sugar.
  • Insulin is an ongoing, supportive treatment for diabetes.

What else should I know about Novolin?

  • Novolin vials should be discarded within 42 days after first puncture.
  • Syringes and pen needles are sold separately.
  • Vials should be used with U-100 insulin syringes.
  • Store Novolin in the refrigerator.
  • Novolin is not eligible for free shipping.
  • Novolin must be shipped next day in cold packs.

What problems could my dog or cat have with Novolin?

  • Insulin overdoses may be fatal. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog or cat is not acting normally.
  • Signs of low blood sugar include weakness, depression, lack of energy, sluggishness, stumbling when walking, behavior changes, muscle twitching, seizures, or coma. It is a medical emergency if your cat or dog is unconscious or having a seizure.

How do you use Novolin?

  • Insulin works best when given regularly - at the same times each day and in the same way regarding feeding, such as always after a meal. Follow your veterinarian's directions.
  • Double check the dose every time before you give the insulin to prevent overdoses.
  • Keep a source of easily given sugar, such as corn syrup or honey, on hand at all times in case of low blood sugar. Follow your veterinarian's suggestions.

What is in Novolin?

  • There are different kinds of insulin classified by how quickly they work, how long they last, or when they have peak effectiveness.
  • The drug in Novolin R is called Regular insulin. Regular Insulin is a type of regular or short-acting insulin. Regular or short-acting insulin reaches the bloodstream within 30 minutes after injection, peaks 2 to 3 hours later, and tends to last for about 3 to 6 hours.
  • The drug in Novolin N is NPH Insulin. NPH Insulin is a type of intermediate-acting insulin. Intermediate-acting insulin reaches the bloodstream about 2 to 4 hours after injection, peaks 4 to 12 hours later, and tends to last for about 12 to 18 hours.
  • Novolin 70/30 contains both Regulare and NPH insulin. Novolin 70/30 has 70% NPH and 30% Regular insulin, combining both the intermediate-acting NPH with the regular or short-acting insulin.

Will I get what I see in the picture?

  • Novolin is a brand name. You will receive the exact brand that you request.

Is it important for my dog or cat to finish all of the Novolin?

  • Dogs and cats may use Novolin for different lengths of time. Please consult your veterinarian if you have any questions.

Who makes Novolin?

  • Novolin Insulin is made by the manufacturer Novo Nordisk.